First, I haven't been posting much lately because we have been going back and forth about getting a new computer. Well, as of yesterday we have decided to make the big purchase and buy the HP something rather with so many GB of something and so many somethings of memory. Shows how much I know about computers. All I really care about is being able to have a computer that I can download,(or is it upload?) pictures from my camera, have access to photo shop, email, and blogging. I guess I care about what it looks like too. I wanted one that was white to match the school room that it will be living in, but white cost more. I will be back to posting about raising kids, cooking, and painting my walls as soon as our new computer arrives.
Second, I am in the process of creating a school room in the basement. Can't wait to show pictures of the results. Oh, and I have a few great recipes to share as well.
Lastly, can anyone tell me how to delete an old blog?
I almost forgot. My Dad sent me more pics of their cute little house on the lake that I thought you would all enjoy.

Aerial shot of the Lake

View from their deck