Sunday, November 9, 2008


Here is Ella practicing her writing and memorizing her bible verse for school. While she was working on her writing I was working with Graham. He really enjoys school time when he gets to play with the counting vehicles and pattern beads. Right now we are working on his colors, patterns, sorting, and matching. Darren is at preschool on our home school days but next year he will be doing Kindergarten with us. While Ella and I finish school when Darren gets home from preschool the boys usually play. There is a picture in the slide show of an example of a secret club that boys make in Darren's room or sometimes on stairs. Ella joins in on the secret club making after school. What fun it is to share in my kids play and their learning.

1 comment:

  1. your making me miss homeschooling, darn you!!
