Recently the Lord has placed on my heart the importance of teaching my children to have daily quiet times. My kids are young and are not independent readers but I can't help but think about how most habits in life are established from an early age. Think of habits you have had since childhood. Now think about how blessed you would be now, as an adult, if from an early age you began the habit of spending time with God first thing in the morning. It would be a part of your day. You couldn't start your day off without talking with God first. Do you brush your teeth every morning? How about make your bed or make a pot of coffee? Teach your children while they are young to talk with God on a daily basis especially first thing in the morning. If you need more inspiration on this, visit my new favorite inspirational blog friend Joy and one of my favorite inspiring Moms, Teri
So I have talked with my oldest child about this topic this week. She has always had a heightened awareness of the Lord and daily seeks to know more about the Lord by asking her Daddy and I questions. This morning when she got up she came downstairs and sat with me. We snuggled for a bit and I said good morning and we had this conversation:
Ella: Mama?
Me: Yes
Ella: I talked with God this morning
Me: You did?
Ella: Yeah and He said something to me
Ella: Yes, He said, "You are strong and mighty....
Me: now she hasn't finished at this point but my heart was melting and I was all smiles
Ella: So He said, "You are strong and mighty...and you will carry your sister around in a wagon"
Me: Smiling
Ella: Kissed me and went on her merry way
Is she not the sweetest thing? So back to my original thought. I am not sure how I am going to implement bible time with Ella yet. We have family devotional time and we do a short study at breakfast every Monday, but, I want her to start a habit of spending time alone in God's word. She isn't an independent reader yet so I think I will take Joy's advice and do a bible reading on tape during her afternoon quiet time where she will picture journal what she learns from the story. I am hoping to have her reading from a NIV bible independently soon...maybe when she is 7 or 8. For now I will anxiously await hearing what the Lord says to her each morning as she begins her day praying to Him.
The question game!
5 years ago